how important is having a website for your business in Sri Lanka
If you are thinking of building a new website for your business, this blog post will be crucial. Even though you have not decided that you need a website for your business, this blog post will show you why you need a business website.
Having a website is like employees are working for you 24 hours for all 365 days in the year. It means that the website is working for you even when you are sleeping.
Think, Someone who likes to get your service or buy your products might search for the products or service when your shop or office is closed, at that time a person might search on the internet if you don’t have a website, most of the time the possibility is that you lose that customer. Meantime your competitor will get that customer. But if you had a website at that time, there is a chance that the same customer might find your website on the internet and come to your place.
For example, we are receiving lots of phone calls for requesting quotations for new website designing, most of the phone calls we received early in the morning. So I could figure out that a lot of people has visited our site at nighttime. If you own an e-commerce website with a shopping cart, it will make your company’s sales all 24 hours a day.
Now that you have a good idea of how you can get benefits from having a website.
If you have a business, the first thing you have to do is to buy a suitable domain name for your business. If it makes a more technical thing to buy a domain name yourself a web designing company like our company would buy a domain name for your company.
Now you might be thinking what this thing “domain name” is? Now I will give you a brief introduction to it.
Domain Names
The domain name is the address unique for your website. Your website can be identified through the domain name of your website.
Types of domain name
- Top-Level Domains (TLD)
For example, .com, .net, .org .gov domain names like this stand at the top of the domain hierarchy.
There are Country code top-level domains (ccTLD) extension with .lk (yourdomain.lk)
- Second-Level Domains (TLD)
The second-level domain name stands at the second level in the domain hierarchy.
For example, yourdomain.com.lk yourdomain.edu.lk.
- Subdomains
To create a subdomain, you have to add a word with a dot to the domain name’s left side.
For example, sin.yourdoamin.com, you can use subdomains to make a separate website from the Sinhala language. You can create as many subdomains from your main domain name, and you can create separate websites for all the subdomains.
For example, we create a website from subdomains to present our clients’ websites before we connect the website to the main domain name.
Web Hosting
With having only a domain name, we cannot display a website on the internet. We have to have a hosting server connected with our domain name. It is impossible to have a website without hosting
Placing a website inside a server is called hosting. A server is a computer that runs 24 hours a day and stays connected to the internet all the time. Most of the time, we have to buy hosting facility through a hosting company which we call virtual servers. And we have to pay an annual fee for the service they provide. They not only keep our website on their server
*Keeps backups
*Creates email accounts
*Creates subdomains etc.
A normal hosting for a website could cost something around Rs.3000.00 a year. A normal hosting package would be more than enough for a website in Sri Lanka.
Web mail is an email account that associate with your website. Our company email is info@webslk.com. As you can see after @ sign the website domain name is there. You also can create an unlimited number of emails for your website but it depends on your hosting provider.
One of the downsides of webmail is the user interface. The user interface is not much user-friendly like Gmail. But there are ways like configuring webmail with Gmail, which is a technical thing that everyone cannot do it. But if your web designing company is an experienced company they will do it for you.
Search Engine Optimisation
Imagine that you own the most attractive and beautiful website in the world. What if no one can find it on the internet? It is only a waste of money.
SEO is something that every website owner should learn and consider deep into it. The difficult thing is that it is time-consuming, and it will take a long time to be a good SEO company or an SEO freelancer.
SEO is something that we should talk into deep, and I will write a separate blog post about SEO where I will talk deep into SEO.
It is important to have a website for any business, a website is the most important thing to promote your business, and start-up business can promote their business even without having their own office or showroom in the town.
To start creating a website, you have to have a domain name for your website. You can get a domain name through the internet by the domain name selling websites, or a web designing company will get it for you.
You have to host your website inside a server then online; your website will be visible online to internet users. The hosting server is a computer that connects to the internet all 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Your web designing company will get you that hosting for you, and they will do all the technical work of hosting, which is not easy for you to do it by yourself.
You also can get emails for your website. A professional email like yourname@yourdomain.com sending emails with professional email will build trust with your prospective clients and customers.
The final step of web designing is to submit your website to search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing. Even you have submitted your websites to search engines, you have to do several steps of tweaking your websites to get your website top of the search results, which is call Search engine optimization. A good web designing company always does it for you.