Website Localization Sri Lanka 1

Website Localization Sri Lanka

If you own a website, there is a 99% chance that the website content is written in English. But most Sri Lankans do not read the English language. Most probably, they would like to read something written in Sinhalese language or the Tamil language.

This is a situation that website localization comes in handy. You can have your main website in English and separate websites for targeting Sinhala and Tamil readers.

If you target visitors in non-English speaking countries such as Japan, Italy, France, etc ., you should make separate websites with their local languages. Most of the website visitors feel like your website is a local website, and they stay and contact you or buy from your website.

Website Localization is essential for search engine optimization. As you can see, you can target new countries and new visitors by localizing the website. and there is a chance that your competitor might not localize their website yet, and if you get that decision to localizing your website, you will win the race by defeating your competitors.

Benefits of localizing a website

  •  Get More website visitors
  • Ability to target Other countries
  • Get High ranks in search results